At INOVATIV LOGISTIC we provide financial flexibility and adaptable offers!
At INOVATIV LOGISTIC we provide financial flexibility and adaptable offers!
Transport contributes significantly to the economy and represents a competitive force in business. It is the activity that physically connects business to partners in the supply chain, such as suppliers and customers, and greatly influences the customer satisfaction towards the company.
Transport is one of the most important economic activities for a business. By moving goods from the places where they originate in places where they are required, transport provides the essential service to connect a company to its suppliers and customers. It is an essential activity in the logistics function, supporting the economic utilities of the place and time. The useful device is based on the fact that customers dispose of the product if requested. The usefulness of time suggests that customers have access to the product when they ask for it. Working closely with the planners of inventory, transport professionals seek to ensure that the business has available products when and where customers look for it.
Transportul este printre cele mai importante activități economice pentru o afacere. Prin mutarea mărfurilor din locurile în care acestea provin în locurile în care sunt solicitate, transportul oferă serviciul esențial de a lega o companie de furnizorii și clienții săi. Este o activitate esențială în funcția de logistică, susținând utilitățile economice ale locului și timpului. Dispozitivul util se bazează pe faptul că clienții dispun de produsul în cazul în care solicită acest lucru. Utilitatea de timp sugerează că clienții au acces la produs atunci când o cer. Lucrând în strânsă colaborare cu planificatorii de inventar, profesioniștii din domeniul transporturilor încearcă să se asigure că afacerea are produse disponibile, unde și când clienții o caută.
In time. Safely.
Transport is sometimes guilty for the inability of a company to serve its customers properly. Late deliveries may be the source of problems and complaints. Products might also be damaged during transport and warehouse workers could load the wrong items in a shipping location. Such shipments may also compromise the customers, leading to dissatisfaction and the decision to buy from a competitor.
However, when a company performs complete deliveries on time and undamaged deliveries consistently, as INOVATIV LOGISTIC does, this determines the trust of customers, representing a win-win.
A win-win. Always
Besides its ramifications of services, transport may also represent a substantial cost for the business. The transport costs may sometimes determine if a customer transaction results in a profit or loss for the business, according to the costs incurred for providing the transportation for a customer order. Faster means of transport generally cost more than slower means. So, although an order shipment overseas by plane is much faster than transport by ship, it may cost up to 20 times more. Such a difference in cost might not justify the use of the faster way of transporting goods. The supply chain managers should therefore carefully consider the shipping cost when determining whether to move the product and how to move the product in the most economical way.
Types of transport
- Full truck load regime – FTL (full truck load) – domestic and international
- Less than truck load regime – LTL (less than truck load) – domestic and international
- Perishable goods, refrigerated temperature controlled trucks
- Textiles, clothing on hangers
To carry out the transport activity, we have a commercial fleet of 100 trucks – (Scania, Volvo and Iveco, Mercedes), and a park of over 150 semitrailers.
To meet the requirements on transporting various types of cargo, we have normal and mega semitrailers with tarpaulin, semitrailers for clothing with bar, bar semitrailers, refrigerated semitrailers, etc.).
Semitrailers with tarpaulin are the most used in the transport of general cargo. The main advantage is that they can be loaded both on the back and on the side or on top – by stripping. Semitrailers with tarpaulin support a load up to 22 tonnes or 33 Euro pallets. They may be normal semitrailers – those having the characteristics listed above – and mega semitrailers.
Mega semitrailers are used to transport cargo of increased volume – up to 100 m3.
Bar semitrailers are especially used to transport clothing, being equipped with special supports for hangers.
Refrigerated vans are used for the transport of goods under controlled temperatures.
We offer solutions for both freight export and import, throughout Europe (intra-community and extra-community).
Our vehicles may be seen on most European highways, the most transited countries are Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, France, Belgium, Germany.